Thursday, November 20, 2014

Reflection on Professional Learning Environments

When I consider what I have learned from Professional Learning Environments, it all seems to amount to little bits of ankle-biter information that are nice to know. One such bit of information was learning what progress the NASA Orion program is making. I suppose if I had invested more time into these environments then perhaps I could have gained a more comprehensive picture of things I'm interested in and the larger world. However neither I nor the rest of the world live in a vacuum with unlimited time to do research. So we each must decide how much time we will spend in various endeavors. I personally feel I do my best at managing my time between my various responsibilities. Therefore I am glad to have been exposed to Professional Learning Environments so that I can research through them in the future when I need to.

To me Professional Learning Environments appear to be a modern manifestation of the libraries of yesteryear. In some respects they way you get at the information has changed as well as the speed you receive the information, but the value of the information you glean appears to be the same. Overall, in the future, I do plan on using these resources to help educate. Will that be for just my children or for others? That is for the Army, myself and God to decide.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Reflections of the first five weeks of class

I have enjoyed learning about HTML and cascading style sheets. It has giving me a better perspective on how websites work and the programming that goes into presenting things online. It is amazing to me how being given a brief history of how it all developed helps you understand the concept of web design in its various incarnations. Most of the assignment were easy enough to grasp. I found the hardest assignment so far was thinking up a rough draft for what my end of class website will be. Overall this has been a very neat block of instruction to go through and learn. If you would like to see some of the things I've worked on please follow the below links.