Thursday, October 2, 2014

Chapters 1-3 written response

Learning Web Design, 4th Edition by Jennifer Niederst Robbins chapters one through three are a very informative read. Ms Robbins follows a logical order to her presentation of the information. She begins chapter one explaining who web designers are. She then describes the languages a web designer needs to know and what equipment they use. In chapter two she explores the nuanced differences between the world wide web and the internet. She then proceeds to explains how the information is served on the internet through internet browsers accessing websites through assigned web addresses (called URLs). She then concludes chapter two explaining the anatomy of a website. Chapter three is an exploration of meeting the needs of the modern internet where not all access is done through a traditional desktop monitor.
Overall I appreciated that she laid a good framework to understanding web site design. I also appreciate that she explained some of the history and theory behind it and how much has changed recently. I look forward to seeing how these principles will be applied in our classroom to focus the engine of the internet to facilitate education. I also am interested to see how this class will dovetail with other courses that I am taking. Cheers to our next classroom lecture!

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